Aptitude Tests 4 Me

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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude


352. There are four famous topical pictures in a museum: scenery, a kitchen, a park and oranges.
The paintings were painted by Jones, Smith, Hardy and Lane. The scenery painting is hanging next to Smith's painting. The scenery painting also hangs between the park and Hardy's painting. Jones didn’t paint the scenery' or the oranges.
Who painted the kitchen?

(a) Jones
(b) Smith
(c) Hardy
(d) None of the above

353. Danny discovered the following facts while working on his geography assignment: 30% of Georgia's inhabitants are Indian, 50% of Georgia's inhabitants work in the service industry, 20% work in agriculture and 60% drink Coke. Danny drew four conclusions. Which of the four conclusions must be true?

(a) Half of Georgia’s coke-drinking inhabitants are Indian
(b) One-third of Georgia's coke-drinking inhabitants work in agriculture
(c) In Georgia there are more Indian people working in the service industry than in agriculture
(d) Some of Georgia's service industry employees drink Coke

354. This is data supplied by the cabbage growers union report for 2007: 80% of cabbages collected were heavy (over 0.5 kg), 10% of cabbages were green, 60% were red and 50% were big (having a diameter of over 10 cm). Which of the following statements must be false?

(a) All red cabbages weren’t big
(b) 30% of red cabbages were big
(c) There were no cabbages that were both green and big
(d) Half of the cabbages were small

355. All airplanes that don’t stop in Spain fly to India. The first airplane didn’t stop in Spain. Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The first airplane didn’t fly to India
(b) The first airplane flew to India
(c) All airplanes flying to India stop in Spain
(d) None of the above


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