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On 1st July 2007 the smoke-free law was introduced in England with the aim of protecting employees in their places of work, and the general public in enclosed public places, from the effects of secondhand smoking. These law changes mean that all public transport and work vehicles used by more than one person must now be smoke-free, nosmoking signs must be displayed in all smoke-free premises and vehicles, and staff smoking rooms are no longer allowed; staff who want to smoke must go outside. Local councils in England have the responsibility of enforcing the law but it is the legal responsibility of the managers of smoke-free premises and vehicles to make sure people don’t smoke. Individuals can be fined or prosecuted for breaking the law and employers can be fined if they do not display the no-smoking signs or if they allow smoking to continue on their premises.

10. Secondhand smoking can cause lung cancer, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases

(a) True
(b) False
(c) Cannot say

11. Truck drivers working alone are not allowed to smoke under the new law

(a) True
(b) False
(c) Cannot say

12. It is no longer legal for internal smoking rooms to be provided for employees

(a) True
(b) False
(c) Cannot say


Detailed Solution

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