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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude


403. Seahorse populations have declined everywhere that seahorses are fished. During the past five years, seahorse populations have decreased by 50%. Last year, biologists met to discuss what might be done to reverse this trend. -

(a) Seahorses are likely to become extinct within five years
(b) One way to increase seahorse populations is to ban the fishing of seahorses
(c) Biologists from all over the world are working to save the seahorses
(d) Seahorse fishermen have spoken out against the biologists

404. Ten new television shows appeared during the month of September. Five of the shows were sitcoms, three were hour-long dramas, and two were news-magazine shows. By January, only seven of these new shows were still on the air. Five of the shows that remained were sitcoms.

(a) Only one of the news-magazine shows remained on the air.
(b) Only one of the hour-long dramas remained on the air. -
(c) At least one of the shows that was cancelled was an hour-long drama
(d) Television viewers prefer sitcoms over hour-long dramas

405. On weekends, Mr. Sanchez spends many hours working in his vegetable and flower gardens. Mrs. Sanchez spends her free time reading and listening to classical music. Both Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez like to cook.

(a) Mr. Sanchez enjoys planting and growing vegetables
(b) Mr. Sanchez does not like classical music
(c) Mrs. Sanchez cooks the vegetables that Mr. Sanchez grows
(d) Mrs. Sanchez enjoys reading nineteenth century novels -

406. Georgia is older than her cousin Marsha. Marsha's brother Bart is older than Georgia. When Marsha and Bart are visiting with Georgia, all three like to play a game of Monopoly. Marsha wins more often than Georgia does.

(a) When he plays Monopoly with Marsha and Georgia, Bart often loses
(b) Of the three, Georgia is the oldest
(c) Georgia hates to lose at Monopoly
(d) Of the three, Marsha is the youngest

407. Mara runs faster than Gail
Lily runs faster than Mara
Gail runs faster than Lily

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

(a) true
(b) false
(c) uncertain


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