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While most forms of discrimination in the workplace have been outlawed, discrimination or bias against some employees seeking career advancement still happens. This discrimination is both unwritten and unacknowledged. A ‘Glass Ceiling’ is the term used to describe this type of discrimination and refers to the invisible barrier that people hit when they try to progress beyond a certain level in some businesses and organisations. Originally coined to illustrate the hidden use of sexual discrimination against women in professional environments, it is now commonly used to describe any form of discrimination, such as racism or ageism, which prevents qualified and experienced employees reaching the higher levels of their organisation. Many reports and studies now suggest that change is happening and that cracks are beginning to appear in the glass. The studies also claim however that change is happening slowly and that the cracks are small.

110. A ‘Glass Ceiling’ specifically describes sexual discrimination in the modern workplace

(a) True
(b) Fasle
(c) Cannot say

111. Positive changes are occurring regarding discrimination in the workplace

(a) True
(b) Fasle
(c) Cannot say

112. The ‘Glass Ceiling’ can prevent qualified people from getting to the top of their field

(a) True
(b) Fasle
(c) Cannot say


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