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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude


446. Books do not make much profit per sale. Sometimes, massive sales of books make a lot of profit. Thomas is a well-known author. Which of the following is true?

(a) Thomas is likely unprofitable as an author
(b) Thomas is a profitable author
(c) Thomas is likely to be a profitable author
(d) None of the above answers

447. Only the strong will be victorious. All hardheaded people are strong. Thomas is hardheaded. Which of the following is true?

(a) Thomas could be victorious
(b) Thomas is not hardheaded
(c) Thomas will not be victorious
(d) Thomas will be victorious

448. All thoroughbred horses are expensive to keep. Any purchase of an expensive animal leads either to poverty or family breakups. Paula forced her husband to buy her thoroughbred stallion. They remained happily married for the rest of their lives. Which of the following is true?

(a) Paula and her husband are wealthy after a divorced period.
(b) Paula and her husband fought about money most of their marriage
(c) Paula and her husband nearly got divorced
(d) Paula and her husband live in poverty

449. English majors read more books than anthropology majors. Computer science majors read fewer books than biology majors. Biology majors read fewer books than English majors. Which of the following is true?

(a) Computer science majors read more than anthropology majors
(b) Anthropology majors read more than computer science majors
(c) Anthropology majors read more than biology majors
(d) None of the above answers

450. Chemistry is more difficult than political science. Political science is easier than Physics. Physics is more difficult than Biology. Which of the following is true?

(a) Chemistry is easier than physics
(b) Biology is more difficult than political science
(c) Chemistry is more difficult than physics
(d) None of the above answers

451. More bankers eat pork chops than do accountants. All accountants drink twice as much water as do engineers. Mary is a banker. Which of the following is true?

(a) Mary drinks more water than her engineer friend Rebecca
(b) Mary likely eats more pork chops and drinks more water than any of her engineer friends
(c) Mary eats many pork chops
(d) None of the above answers


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