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Data Interpretation

Detailed Solution

17. The information for 2010 that you need is shown in the table.
Step 1 – calculate the total costs for 2010
Q1 total = 914
Q2 total = 915
Q3 total = 1,014
Q4 total = 1,010
Total = 3,853
Step 2 – calculate the total costs for 2009
3,853 = 105% x (2009 total costs)
2009 total costs = 3,853 / 1.05 = 3,669
Step 3 - to the nearest £million
3,669 (£10,000s) = £37 million
Thus the correct answer is (D), £37 million

18. The information that you need is shown in the table.
Step 1 – Calculate the total cost across the 4 quarters for 2010
Q1 total = 914
Q2 total = 915
Q3 total = 1,014
Q4 total = 1,010
2010 Total costs = 3,853
Step 2 – Calculate the % that each individual cost represented
Overheads = (104 + 105 + 102 + 101) / 3,853 = 10.7%
Supply chain = (186 + 174 + 162 + 166) / 3,853 = 17.9%
Labour = (248 + 245 + 319 + 265) / 3,853 = 28.0%
I.T. = (149 + 138 + 140 + 191) / 3,853 = 16.0%
Production = (227 + 253 + 291 + 287) / 3,853 = 27.4%
Thus the correct answer is (D), Supply chain, Labour and Production

19. The information that you need is shown in the graph and table.
Calculate the ratio of IT : Overheads costs for each of the 5 years shown:
2006: 18%:12% = 3:2
2007: 20%:15% = 4:3
2008: 21%:14% = 3:2
2009: 17%:15% = 1.13
2010: 618: 412 = 3:2
Thus the correct answer is (C), 2006, 2008 & 2010

20. The information that you need is shown in the graph.
Production costs = 26% = £250,000 x 26% = £65,000
Thus the correct answer is (D), £65,000

21. Put each year’s costs into size order:
2006 = Labour, Production, Supply Chain, IT, Overheads
2007 = Production, Labour, IT, Supply Chain, Overheads
2008 = Labour, Production, IT, Supply Chain, Overheads
2009 = Production, Labour, Supply Chain, IT, Overheads
Tip: at this stage you could see that none of the years match so given that there is no "none of these" option you could gamble that 2010 will have the same order as one of the others, and thus go for answer (C).
Carrying on for the remaining year: 2010 = Labour (1,077), Production (1,058), Supply Chain (688), IT (618), Overheads (412)
Thus the correct answer is (C), 2006 and 2010

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